Summary: “At a rural high school in Georgia, a group of lively teens are studying The Crucible while navigating young love, sex ed, and a few school scandals. Holding a contemporary lens to the American classic, they begin to question who is really the hero and what is the truth, discovering their own power in the process. Alternately touching and bitingly funny, this new comedy captures a generation in mid-transformation, running on pop music, optimism, and fury, writing their own coming of age story.” From Dramatists Play Service.
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Summary: “Separated from his mother, a young refugee called Anon journeys through the United States, encountering a wide variety of people -- some kind, some dangerous and cruel -- as he searches for his family. From a sinister one-eyed butcher to beguiling barflies to a sweatshop, Anon must navigate through a chaotic, ever-changing landscape in this entrancing adaptation of Homer's The Odyssey.” From Playscripts.
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Summary:“In this brash reworking of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, a group of old friends, ex-lovers, estranged in-laws, and lifelong enemies gather to grapple with life’s thorniest questions—and each other. What could possibly go wrong? Incurably lustful and lonely, hapless and hopeful, these seven souls collide and stumble their way towards a new understanding that LIFE SUCKS! Or does it? From the mind of Aaron Posner, author of Stupid F*#king Bird, comes this brash and revelatory reworking of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya. Never has unhappiness been so much fun.” From Lookingglass Theatre Company’s website, the majority of which was originally from Dramatists Play Service.
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Summary: “Ten years ago Emily Book, the lone survivor of a horrible school bus accident, was sent away from the tiny town of Spring Farm. Now, in her senior year, Emily must return in order to graduate from high school. When she arrives, shy and guarded, Emily is unwillingly thrust into the whirlwind of Spring Farm High. Guided by her biology teacher, Mr. Christopher, and befriended by head cheerleader, Jenny McGrath, Emily must learn to fit in with her classmates while yearning to stay out of the spotlight. But when Jenny's life is threatened in a dangerous stunt at the homecoming basketball game, Emily reveals her true powers as she saves Jenny's life in a stunning display of telekinetic heroism. Thus, Spring Farm's own darling superhero, "The Sparrow," is born. Can this strange girl with even stranger powers be the hero that her town is longing for, or will her dark secret destroy them all? The Sparrow taps into the fundamental aching of adolescence—fearing that we're somehow different while hoping that we're somehow special.” From Dramatic Publishing.
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Summary: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tech. Around you, a company of 14 is engaged in the very peculiar—and peculiarly impossible—task of making a new play. You’ll have a seat next to the sound designer as he mixes cues. You’ll eavesdrop on backstage gossip as it happens over headset. You’ll watch the director struggle to contain the uncontainable. Anne Washburn (Mr. Burns) took notes during her tech rehearsals over the years. 10 Out of 12 is a wry and absorbing look at how work forms us and deforms us.” from Concord Theatricals.
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